江心靜 當代藝術 CHIANG HSIN-CHING Contemporary Art

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TEDxNCHU 講座 | 龜兔賽跑 – 江心靜從旅行文學到藝術創作

The Tortoise and the Hare - From literature, travel to art


江心靜,台灣知名水墨畫家,她的水墨作品在今年2015 被選上了台北新藝博展覽,然而這僅僅是她跨入水墨畫界的第二年而已。在此之前她是位作家也是位旅行家,個性文靜的她,總是像烏龜般默默且慢慢地進行。然而在這慢的過程中,她用雙腳走遍世界,用雙眼博覽群書。種種的累積使得她轉入藝術領域後,如兔子般快速的躍起,短短的時間內,達到了許多人難以契及的成就。

到底這段龜兔賽跑的故事是如何的呢? 就讓我們來聽聽江心靜的精采分享吧!

Pinky Chiang, Taiwan’s famous ink painter. This May, her works were chosen and be invited to attend Art Revolution Taipei which is an international art exhibition. However, this was her second year to be an ink painter. Before being an artist, Pinky Chiang was a literary author and a traveler. She implemented as slowly and silently as a tortoise, because of her introverted personality. However, through these year, she perused lots of books and traveled around the world. These precious experience makes her to achieve success as rapidly as a hare, when transferring to the field of the art. How amazing life it is! Let us to listen to her splendid speech.

江心靜,抱雲齋人文藝術空間創辦人,是位熱愛旅行的文學家。著有『Vicky & Pinky單車環球夢』、『亞洲慢慢來:日本沖繩和九洲』、『歐洲光之旅』…等書,並獲得大量迴響。近兩年更得到了水墨畫大師劉國松的影響轉入水墨畫界,她的作品獲得了很大的肯定,並於今年2015 五月受邀參加台北新藝術博覽會。

Pinky Chiang, the founder of Bao Yun Zhai Gallery. She is a litterateur who loving travelling. Her famous work「Vicky &Pinky bike travel around the world」 were sold very well. In the recent two years, Pinky Chiang was directed by Taiwan’s famous ink painter Liu Guo Song, so she turned in to the field of art. Her works were chosen and be invited to attend Art Revolution Taipei which is an international art exhibition. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


  • 每個人都有夢想,心靜分享外界不看好的人如何實現夢想。

  • 龜兔賽跑的故事只要持續努力就會成功,但真實人生中還有大環境和天份的問題,重點是找出願意一生投入的事,持續努力,不論快慢,自然會走出一條獨特的道路。

  • 以投入藝術第一年的作品為例,心靜分享有之前旅行和文學如烏龜般緩慢的累積,才有跨界藝術如兔子的高速發展。

  • 一般人追求快速成功的方法,心靜分享的是慢速成功的智慧。