花的春情 蕩漾
2015 - 江心靜 - 道隱系列-花漾年華四幅 - 122x 33x 4 cm-水墨設色紙本
茶人莊麗香女史 與 藝術家 江心靜 / 2016 江心靜「花漾年華」創作展戶外茶席
感謝法國藝術家 Alix(右二) 和 苡樂畫廊主人 陳靜紅(右一)蒞臨。
2015 - 江心靜 - 道隱系列-空山花雨-2015- 48 x 22 cm-水墨設色紙本
「台灣膠彩畫之父」林之助 (1917~2008),其居住和創作長達六十年的畫室,為日治時期木造宿舍,經台中市政府核定為歷史建築,修復後成立「林之助紀念館」於2015年6月6日開幕,內部展出林之助畫作及使用物品,紀念館以推廣林之助藝術精神為核心,落實國民的文化參與權。
台師大程代勒教授蒞臨指導 / 2016 江心靜「花漾年華」創作展
台師大莊連東教授蒞臨指導 / 2016 江心靜「花漾年華」創作展
《Spring Blooms》 2015/Literati ScreenFlowers in spring, chirping in the mountainsBlooming, budding in fresh greenness,Playing an orchestra of silence amongst the rocks.
Artist Essay
“Spring Blooms” is a four-part painting in which I used abstract painting methods to express the fresh thriving greenness and vitality during Taiwan’s spring as well as the omnipresent cherry blossoms in full bloom during this time.
Looking at the four parts of the painting, I cannot help but feel that it would be a shame to frame it as a four-part painting, and it'd also be a shame to hang them up on four hanging scrolls. I feel that the work calls for a different presentation. Then it occurred to me that I have had long-standing fondness for screens. Though screens have never played a substantial part in my life while I was growing up, but maybe my love for reading has brought me into contact with screens via books like The Tale of Genji, a depiction of everyday living situations during the Heian period in Japan. At that time, Japan was heavily influenced by the culture of the Tang Dynasty in China, thus during that time, screens were used as partitions or as wind shields, so one can say screens are basically "mobile paintings".
To create Japanese-styled screens from that period was no easy feat, and it took half a year and much trial and error. It was a process full of twists and turns! In the end, when the framing artist stood the screen up, the painting was brought to life, and we felt a sense of great elation. I knew then that we had found the best way to present the painting.
I feel that there can be innovation in contemporary ink wash paintings, meaning that you can present it in whatever method you desire. The reason I opted to use “hanging scrolls” as my method of presentation is because ‘hanging scrolls’ is a medium that is rich in history. For instance, Sen no Rikyū, the Saint of Tea in Japan, believes that the most important tea-ware in Japanese “Way of Tea” is the hanging scroll. Rikyū thinks that only after the hanging scroll is selected can the theme then be determined, followed by the selection of other tea wares. As such, one can say the hanging scroll is a spiritual symbol for the entire tea ceremony.In fact, my experience of the tea ceremony in Kyoto, Japan tells me that the creativity of art works can be integrated with the contemporary and fashionable tea mats, akin to identifying a method for the realization of incorporating art into daily life.