2020-江心靜 - 思網系列-隱形的山林- 292x159 cm - 水墨紙本
〈隱形的山林〉台北市立圖書館總館 公共典藏
心靜在 2020年以詩人羅葉的「在國小圖書館」為靈感創作的當代水墨作品「隱形的山林」,2020年9月獲頒首屆「羅葉文學藝術獎」藝術類評審團獎,2021年1月由台北市立圖書館總館公共典藏。
Contemporary artist Chiang Hsin-Ching’s work Invisible Forest reflects her personal growth in a library, pondering the opportunities and crises of reading in the digital age. Through the fusion of ink staining, flowing thought webs, radiating patterns, and calligraphic lines, the artwork creates a poetic inquiry into the act of reading.
Chiang Hsin-Ching grew up in a small restaurant and had to work part-time at the restaurant during her school years, leaving her limited time for personal study. However, the educational resources provided by the Taichung Ciguang Library’s attached daycare center, which offered the Three Character Classic, Analects of Confucius, and Tang Dynasty poetry, laid the foundation for her lifelong love of reading. This love for reading allowed her to realize her dream of becoming a writer, with notable works such as Cycling Around the World Dream and The Eternal Traveler, among eighteen books in total.
In 2020, Chiang Hsin-Ching created the contemporary ink piece Invisible Forest, inspired by poet Luo Ye’s In the Elementary School Library. The work won the Jury Award in the art category of the first Luo Ye Literary and Art Prize in September 2020, and in January 2021, it was permanently collected by the Taipei City Library.
臺北市立圖書館總館於110年1月11 日舉辦「當代藝術家江心靜『隱形的山林』畫作捐贈典禮」,由臺北市副市長蔡炳坤與臺北市立圖書館洪世昌館長代表館方致贈感謝狀及典藏證明予捐贈者王鄭春香女士與藝術家江心靜女士,所贈畫作將長期展示於臺北市立圖書館總館1樓大廳,歡迎市民共賞。
On January 11, 2021, the Taipei City Library held a donation ceremony for Chiang Hsin-Ching’s artwork Invisible Forest. Taipei City Vice Mayor Cai Bingkun and Taipei City Library Director Hong Shichang presented certificates of appreciation and collection certificates to the donor, Ms. Wang Zhengchunxiang, and artist Jiang Xin-Jing. The donated artwork will be permanently displayed in the first-floor lobby of the Taipei City Library for the public to enjoy.
The work, created in 2020, was inspired by Luo Ye’s poem In the Elementary School Library, reflecting Chiang Hsin-Ching’s own growth in a library. It contemplates the opportunities for reading in the digital age and uses the interweaving of ink staining, flowing thought webs, radiating patterns, and calligraphic lines to create a poetic inquiry into reading.
This meaningful artwork was donated by Ms. Wang Zhengchunxiang and is now part of the permanent collection at the Taipei City Library, which ranks first among the six metropolitan cities in public circulation rates. The blend of literary fragrance and aesthetics shines together, marking a significant cultural event for Taipei’s arts scene.
〈Invisible Forest〉 Chiang Hsin-Ching
An extended hand, a newly-sprouted bud.
The world is shrouded in white fog. Spiders weave threads,
I weave poems, scaling a web of words.
Through the passage of the sun and moon, grows a colossal pine.
A library, the invisible forest of a poet.
Raining down through the leaves is—light.
Spreading its wings, a crested serpent eagle calls.
Riding air currents and soaring the heavens, it surfs the clouds.
Waves crash over me, sending me tumbling into the dark web.
Days and nights, beget a lost paradise of silent screams.
Database, the virtual ocean you command,
Beneath its rolling waves, is the gaze of Big Brother.
To recognize truth and falsity. To see how the ink spreads and dries.
Heaven and earth are shaded white, waiting—
For you, to take your first step.
— Taipei Public Library permanent collection. Taipei, Taiwan.
思網系列-隱形的山林 藝術家談創作理念