文 / 劉國松 國立臺灣師範大學美術學系講座教授
2019 -江心靜- 思網系列-昨日之島 - 180x 95 cm ×3 pieces -水墨設色紙本
2019 -江心靜- 思網系列-過眼雲煙, 2019,95 x 180 x4 cm-水墨設色紙本
海洋心象系列-順勢而上 2017 , 175 x 96 cm 水墨設色紙本
2024年10月,與劉國松老師分享畫作〈海洋心象系列-順勢而上〉被選入國教院審定康軒版 「國小6上藝術」課本。
Preface: Pursuing Deviation Before Excellence:
by Liu Kuo-sung, Chair Professor in Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University
Translated by JR Lee
My relationship with Hsin-Ching has been a series of serendipitous events.
In 1998, I retired from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and returned to the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University as a professor. It was then that I came across a young reporter who wished to interview me. It came as a surprise, but what startled me most was the breadth and depth of her understanding of art. That moment left a lasting impression on me, and we have been lifelong friends ever since. I can recall one particular occasion when Hsin-Ching came to my art studio and brought some songzi su (“pine nut pastries”) as a gift. I said jokingly, “My friends call me Songzi (“pine nut”), and you’re giving me songzi su. Are you trying to get me to lose (since “pastry” in Chinese is pronounced similarly to “lose” or shu)?” Sure enough, I lost big later that night playing mahjong. My friends got a huge kick out of seeing me lose, and from that moment on, they would yell “Songzi shu!” (meaning “Songzi loses!”) whenever they saw me.
When I later learned that Hsin-Ching planned to bike around the world with her friend Tsun-Chin, I admired her even more. One of the characteristics of successful people is they decide what they want to do and just do it. Over the years, her practiced, fluid way of writing marked a landmark in the history of travel literature. Her profound knowledge and self-discipline in the arts can be seen from her artists’ columns in newspapers and magazines to her book The Traveler Who Never Stops.
The history of human civilization is created by two types of people. Scientists create physical civilization, while artists—which includes painters—are the creators of spiritual civilization. A scientist must first have their own unique ideas and theories, which can be proved correct by gathering evidence from laboratory experiments. Only successful experiments lead to inventions, and only by inventing things can one be deemed a scientist. Artists are no different from scientists. They also must have their own ideas and theories, and always be experimenting and creating in the studio. An artist who does not create does not qualify as an artist. If one blindly paints in the styles of those in ancient times or one’s teacher without knowing why, then one becomes no better than a research assistant and cannot claim to be an artist. In the 1960s, I proposed the idea that “imitating the new cannot take the place of imitating the old, and copying Western art cannot replace copying Chinese art”. Through this, I advocated for and promoted the modernization of Chinese painting. In the 1980s, I toured Mainland China to take part in various art exhibitions and lectures. I pushed an idea which gained traction upon other artists: “The art studio is a laboratory. It is not a factory for traditional paintings.” In 2001, two scholars in historical criticism Pi Daojian and Wang Huangsheng curated an exhibition entitled China: 20 Years of Ink Experiment (1980-2001) at the Guangdong Museum of Art which featured the works of 41 Chinese artists from 1980 to 2000. Professor Pi Daojian requested four of my works from the 1960s to 1980s as evidence that I pioneered the concept of “experimenting with ink”.
Traditional pedagogical theory in painting is that “scholarship is like a pyramid”. Thus, when studying painting, one must copy all the various styles and techniques of past artists, with the intent of first laying an expansive foundation before pursuing individual creation. This is the ideal of general education: to “pursue excellence before deviation”. However, I believe that art scholarship is like a skyscraper in that the cultivation of an artist requires a specialized education. Pyramids of old required large foundations with blocks piled one on top of another because that was the technique which required the least architectural skill.Yet, what modern skyscraper requires a wide foundation to be built? The towering buildings are like enormous columns, with an equal circumference from the top to bottom, reaching much higher heights than a pyramid. Foundations in modern architecture are about digging down; they are specialized, precise, and deep, and do not expand excessively outward. The deeper the foundation, the higher the structure can be built.
Thus, the success of an artist in modern times does not depend on how many styles of painting they have mastered, but rather on their ability to paint something different than others, and if their works can showcase “specialization, precision, and depth”. The more innovative and novel technique will lead to a higher building that can stand out more amongst its peers. This is the true meaning behind my alternate philosophy of “pursuing deviation before excellence”. In class, I guide my students in discarding the traditions of brush and ink and refraining from imitating people of times past. I instead introduce them to some of the new ink painting techniques that came out of my own experiments to which they can refer and from which they can draw inspiration. I prove that a good painting can be made without a brush. I encourage them to learn by analogy and to explore, experiment, and produce their own techniques which they can practice over and over again. After they have mastered the techniques they themselves invented, their artistic expression will be untrammeled, and they will have developed their own personal style of painting.
Hsin-Ching’s study of art was the embodiment of the principles of pursuing excellence before deviation. Before she began painting in 2014, she was a writer who had never painted before. She started with ”water-rubbing” (shuituo) and experimented many times before developing her own techniques. Bold in her artistic expression, she was constantly polishing her skills. Before long, she came out with Ocean in My Heart, a series of artwork which highlighted her personal style. Highly esteemed by professional artists, her work also garnered affirmation from collectors. This was unsurprising; some are simply born with a versatile set of talents. These perspicacious individuals can easily make the quantum jump to new fields of expertise. Lee Chun-Yi, another of my students, made the same leap. Having started out in biochemistry, he had never studied traditional Chinese painting. With my encouragement, he transferred to the art department and took my ink painting class his sophomore year. Always experimenting with new techniques, he produced an art piece upon graduation titled Ten Thousand Years, Ten Thousand Years of Sleep, One Hundred Million Scattered which became an instant hit and won first place in his class.
In 2018, Hsin-Ching journeyed to Shanghai to take classes at the Academy of Contemporary Ink Art at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts for which I had been the first department head. She decided to put everything on the line and rented a farmhouse in a nearby village where she worked tirelessly on her art. Her actions were a personification of one of the mottos I often tell to my students to “lose one’s mind in order to gain success”. Sure enough, her artwork saw dramatic improvements over that one short year. In her graduation exhibition in 2019, her triptych The Island of the Day Before and her quadriptych Transience received wide critical acclaim. Transience had first caught my eye in class and is still my personal favorite of all her artworks.
Over the past two years, Hsin-Ching’s Ocean in My Heart expanded into the iNetwork Series where we can see a pronounced shift in her painting style. Her freshman spontaneity evolved into a style that many began to praise and commend, and one that left her more capable at employing the universal language of painting to convey her thoughts. Indeed, Hsin-Ching’s art truly blossomed in 2020, with her works being added to the Taipei Public Library collection, receiving the Luoye Literature and Arts Jury Award, and being featured in major domestic and international art exhibitions like France’s Salon d'Automne and Hong Kong’s Ink Global. I used to teach my students that they “must find a blank canvas”. What Hsing-Ching found clearly was no ordinary canvas, but rather a “piece of canvas that has traveled the world”, as demonstrated in how well she executed her vision in such a short period of time. My hope for her is to carve out her own niche by holding fast to her beliefs and developing her own technique even further without trying to emulate others.
Looking back at these five decades, I feel like I have been a missionary for modern ink painting, promoting the art form all over the world. I am pleased to see that modern ink painting has become mainstream amongst oriental painting, and that there are even ink painting exhibitions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. When I saw an ink painting exhibition at the Wuying Hall of the Palace Museum in Beijing in 2007, I said to myself that my life had not been wasted. I hope more artists will join our ranks in carrying on the soul of Chinese culture through ink painting and make even greater contributions to the history of human civilization.
Keywords: Pursuing Deviation Before Excellence, art studio is a laboratory, art scholarship is like a skyscraper, The Island of the Day Before, Transience, iNetwork Series, canvas that has traveled the world